How can I book on to the course?

To book on the course is very simple, just find the date you want and click on it. Fill in your details and make a payment online, this will confirm your spot on the course.

Is this a workplace first aid course?

At First Aid Certification & Training we do First Aid courses that are recognised in the workplace. FACT Adelaide offers course via its own RTO status RTO # 45473 as well as PADIRTO for the underwater training provided.

How often should I do this course?

The HLTAID003 Provide first aid course is valid for 3 years however the CPR component and the unit HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation is only valid for 1 year in accordance with the Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines.  This is not something that FACT Adelaide has any control over but is industry wide to ensure that everyone’s skills and knowledge rmeian current in the event of having to be a first responder. So to stay current you need to do a CPR every 12 months.

Do I have to do any Pre-Study?

At First Aid Certification & Training we deliver face to face training and assesment although you are required to underrtake some self-study prior to your booking date. Our trainers and assessors are highly exerienced and with their comprehensive knowledge, they can provide you with assistance as you progress through the course. However failure to complete the pre-study component will mean that you may not be eligible to complete the practical training and assessment on your selected booking day.  FACT Adelaide has made this clear in the pre-enrolment information and all stadents must declare during enrolment that they are aware of this requirement. Here at FACT Adelaide we have listened to industry and we have designed the courses so you leave with a greater understanding of the topics. The certification you earn will ensure you have a greater practical and theoretical knowledge.

Where do I park?

Although there is Free parking out the front of the training facility we would advise you to get here nice and early. The Parking is timed so you may need to move during your lunch break, but don’t worry we will give you plenty of time.

What do I need to bring?

We have a fridge and a lunch room for you to store lunch your lunch in. We have free tea and coffee, and all training and assessment materials are provided. So simply put all you need is some lunch.

How old do I need to be?

At First Aid Training & Certification we are able to teach anyone of any age however we usually only take students who are 18 yers or older. We would recommend that you consider the maturity of enrolling younger family members. If they are not ready to learn then they may be deemed not yet competent.  If you believe that FACT Adelaide should consider enrolling your family member and they are under 18 yers of age, please contact us for specific information about how to proceed as there are certain legal requirements that need to be met to proceed.

Why did I get 2 emails when I enrolled on the course?

The first email was a confirmation that you have booked on the course and the second one is your enrolment details. The enrolment details need to be completed before the start of the course, if it is not completed we will be unable to allow you to commence the practical training and assessment and therefore receive icertification.

What is the USI?

To find out more about the USI follow the link provided https://youtu.be/HRYaaF-B7Ho

When does my certificate come?

Your online PDF certificate will be sent to you via the email that you added to your online enrolment once all requirements have been met. If you ordered a paper Statement of Attainment, it will be posted the next working day after all requirements have been completed.

Are your trainers experienced?

Yes, our trainers are very experienced and range from a former paramedic to an ex infantry medic from the British Army. With over 15 years teaching in a number of fields including High Risk, CERT IV & Diploma in WHS you can rest assured the training you will receive will be up to date and well presented.

I let my old CPR run out what should I do?

That’s easy, just enrol on to the next available CPR course and we can re issue a new and current CPR certification.

What happens if I don’t pass?

In the extremely unlikely even you don’t meet the performance requirements we will let you attend the next available course for free. If however you don’t meet the requirements on the second attempt you will need to rebook on to another course.

Can you come to my workplace?

We are able to come to you. At First Aid Certification & Training we are a family business so we strive to give all of our clients a friendly experience and sometimes that means we have to come to you.

I’m worried about doing something wrong?

At First Aid Certification & Training we believe in adequate aid given is better than perfect aid withheld. It is always better to try to help rather than do nothing, so we will train you so you are confident to provide aid to the level that feels most comfortable to you.

How do I know the certificate is real?

If you are concerned about the authenticity of the certification that has been issued, you can scan the QR Code included in the certification which will verify it is authentic. You will require the internet and a QR App.

I would like to become an instructor can you help?

Yes, we are able to provide training and assessment that will allow you to become a First Aid Instructor.

I would like to do the Senior First Aid can you do that?

HLTAID003 Provide first aid is the certification that superseded the old ‘Senior First Aid’. So when you book on to the HLTAID003 Provide first aid program, it is the same thing.

Why can’t I see any Oxygen courses on your schedule?

Because the oxygen courses are more specialised you will need to book via the office.

What does ‘conditional enrolment’ mean?

Conditional enrolment means that FACT Adelaide has accepted your enrolment conditionally on the basis of the information that you have provided.  the enrolment process at FACT Adelaide is two-phase.

The first component is booking your face to face training and assessment day and providing all of the enrolment information required so we can assess your suitability and eligibility for our courses.

The second phase is on the day of your booking where you provide physical evidence of the photographic identification and eligibility to study (citizenship or visa documentation) that you declared in your booking information.  This is also when you submit the pre-study evidence that you agreed to complete as part of your enrolment as well as confirm again that you are capable of completing all course requirements.  For first aid courses for example, this may mean the 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR or it may mean that you clarify any special needs that were previously discussed during your enrolment or which may have come up since.

Contact Us

First Aid Training Adelaide
First Aid Certification and Training (FACT)

RTO: RTO #45473

Business Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:30am – 4:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 12:30pm

Tel: (08) 7226 5936


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